
Sunday, December 11, 2005

Israel and Weapons of Mass Destruction

I am not suprised when reading this article about Israel and WMD. I found it interesting and would like to share this article with all....

"At a time when TV screens were filled with images of perceived weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq among people on the verge of starvation, the West turned a blind eye to the first biological terrorist in the Middle East, Israel, where the largest depot of WMD between London and Peking is located.

When confronted with the anomaly, the United States ambassador to the UN, John Negroponti, responds with typical cynicism, Israel did not use these weapons against its people or its neighbours. Assuming that the ambassador is well informed, this statement is a patent lie. Israel used biological weapons even before it was created on Arab soil in 1948 and ever since. The purpose, according to Ben Gurion, is genocide, and if not complete, the purpose is not to allow the dispossessed Palestinians to return to their homes. "

For further reading, please go to:

Friday, December 09, 2005


Ini yang saya belajar. Definisinya ialah seperti di bawah:

Islamicjerusalem is a new terminology for a new concept, which may be translated into the Arabic language as Bayt al-Maqdis. It can be fairly and eventually characterised and defined as a unique region laden with a rich historical background, religious significances, cultural attachments, competing political and religious claims, international interests and various aspects that affect the rest of the world in both historical and contemporary contexts. It has a central frame of reference and a vital nature with three principal intertwined elements: its geographical location (land and boundaries), its people (population), and its unique and creative inclusive vision, to administrate that land and its people, as a model for multiculturalism.

Professor Abd al-Fattah El-Awaisi
- Principal & VC of Al-Maktoum Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Dundee, Scotland.
- Chair of Islamicjerusalem Studies.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ibn Khaldun dan Teori Ekonomi

Ramai menyangka bahawa teori 'free market economy' berasal dari pemikir barat, Adam Smith (1723-1790 AD), dan dikembangkan oleh David Ricardo (1772-1823 AD). Namun, tidak kurang juga kajian-kajian baru yang melihat bahawa teori ini sebenarnya sudah disebut lebih awal sebelum pemikir barat.

Menurut Ibrahim M Oweiss, teori ini telah dibincangkan oleh Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406 AD) di dalam bukunya Muqaddimah. Bezanya, Ibn Khaldun tidak menamakannya sebagai suatu teori, tetapi dia membincangkan perkara 'free market' ini dengan mendalam, termasuklah 'the labour theory of value' yang dibincangkan oleh Karl Marx (1818-1883 AD). Bagi Ibn Khaldun, 'labour is the source of value'.

Menariknya, sumbangan Ibn Khaldun telah dipetik oleh David Hume di dalam bukunya Political Discourses, diterbitkan pada tahun 1752, di mana beliau menyebut: "Everything in the world is purchased by labour."

Adam Smith turut merujuk kepada Ibn Khaldun, dan meletakkan rujukan itu pada nota kaki di dalam bukunya An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Oweiss menyebut bahawa jika diteliti nota kaki tersebut, maka dapat diketahui bahawa apa yang di bawa oleh Adam Smith bermula dari Ibn Khaldun.

Dalam perbincangan kami dengan Prof Madya Dr Ahmad Hidayat Buang, beliau ada menyebut bahawa Ibn Khaldun merupakan pemikir Islam yang berada di bawah kerajaan di Andalusia. Maknanya, ada perbezaan pendekatan dan pemikiran jika dibandingkan dengan pemikir Islam yang berada di bawah pemerintahan Baghdad ketika itu. Pemikir Andalusia lebih membincangkan soal-soal kemasyarakatan (mungkin disebabkan faktor geografi dan demografi mereka yang lebih dekat dengan barat), manakala di sebelah Bagdad-Timur Tengah, para pemikir lebih cenderung kepada soal hukum hakam, lebih bersifat keras and orthodox.

Bacaan lanjut:

i. Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, ed. by Edwin Cannan (New York: Random House, 1937), p. 30.
ii. David Hume, Political Discourses (Edinburg: Printed by R. Fleming for A. Kincaid, 1752), p. 12.
iii. See Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah, an Introduction to History, tr. by Franz Rosenthal, 3 vols., 2nd ed. (Published for the Bollingen Foundation by Princeton University Press, 1967)